Tattoo Events in Australia
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In May, 1986 the P.T.A.A held its very first tattoo convention in Melbourne. This was to be a one day event featuring an afternoon of tattoo competitions followed by a dinner and presentations, and it was a 'sell out' event.
These conventions were to become a yearly event as their popularity grew, and in 1988, Brisbane was to play host city to this event, followed by Sydney, Adelaide and even Perth in later years.
The 10 year Anniversary convention in Melbourne in 1995 grew to a two day event with tattoo and trade booths on site and still featured every popular tattoo competitions, all culminating with a dinner and presentations. Paul Jeffries from Smiling' Buddha (Canada) was the very first 'International Artist' who attended this convention.
Within a year the P.T.A.A was hosting three day conventions featuring both International and Australian artists, and as these events had become so popular dinner guests usually numbered around 600. As the popularity grew he association had to keep moving to larger premises, the big hotel chains that could offer enough room for the 'Tattoo Expo', a dining room to host the dinner and presentations, a bar/chill out area along with accommodation. The association did it all under one roof in a friendly atmosphere, totally family orientated, that all in attendance agreed that it was such a great time.
The main aim was to present to the public the incredible skin art being produced in Australia and to expel the myth of tattooing being an unfavorable past-time solely for the criminal element or sea mariners. Mums, dads, doctors, lawyers, policemen and women teachers, everyday people from all walks of life would be in attendance, proudly displaying their body art and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow artists and supporters.