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Neymar's affair with tattoos starts in 2010. On a visit to a shopping mall Neymar liked a store manager’s tattoo, which was done in Adão Rosa’s studio called Nautica, located in the same mall. The 10th of December an appointent was set for a man called Ismael, but Neymar himself appeared at the scheduled time.
Tattoo on the right thigh.
Son Goku tattoo.
August 3, 2017 · Puzzle piece that includes the letter M tattoo on Neymar's right wrist, matching with the ones that five of his best friends (Jô Amancio, Cristian Guedes, Gustavo Almeida, Gilmar Araujo Lima and Guilherme Pitta) also got. All the tattoos red “Amigos” (“Friends”). Neymar's tattoo was done by Albert Bonet at Blessed Art Tattoo Barcelona.
July 9, 2017 · Lettering tattoo on his right thigh that says “1% de Chance, 99% de Fé” (“1% of chance, 99% of Faith”), done by Thieres Paim.
July 9, 2017 · Matching emojis on the calf with his friend Cris Guedes, by Adão Rosa.
May 10, 2017 · Neymar's mother's black and grey portrait tattoo on the right inner arm. The tattoo was done in Barcelona, and the tattoo artist in charge was once again Thieres Paim.
May 8, 2017 · His son's black and grey portrait tattoo located on his right inner forearm. The tattoo was done in Barcelona, and the artist in charge was tattoo artist Thieres Paim.
May 7, 2017 · A black and grey style tattoo on Neymar's right elbow, by tattoo artist Samuel Rico.
November 7, 2016 · Christ the Redeemer statue on his left leg. The tattoo was done in Barcelona, and the artist in charge was tattoo artist Samuel Rico.
28 de octubre de 2016 · Tatuaje coincidente 1992 en sus espinillas, por Adão Rosa.
Sometime between September 13 / December 2016 · “Seja forte e corajoso! Não fique desanimado, nem tenha medo, porque eu, o Senhor, seu Deus, estarei com você em qualquer lugar para onde você for!”
August 20, 2016 · Olympic rings on Neymar's left wrist. The tattoo was done at the Ramada Hotel Rio de Janeiro after winning the gold medal for Brazil. The artist in charge was tattoo artist Adão Rosa. see
March 8, 2016 · The following day after getting the "Que Deus me abençoe" tattoo on his right shin, he got inked "E me proteja" on his left shin, completing a matching tattoo that says "Que Deus me abençoe e me proteja", Portuguese for "God bless me and protect me." The artist in charge was tattoo artist Adão Rosa. see
March 7, 2016 · During a short holiday trip to Brazil in the middle of the season, Neymar got the tattoo "Que Deus me abençoe", which means "God bless me" in Portuguese by tattoo artist Adão Rosa. see
December 7, 2015 · NJR symbol added to his left sleeve.
December 7, 2015 · Left calf tattoo dedicated to Neymar's childhood dreams. The black and grey style tattoo shows a young Neymar with a Brasil cap on his head standing in front a typical “favela” and dreaming about a house, playing football and winning trophies. The tattoo is courtesy of tattoo artist Miguel Ángel Bohigues. see
June 5, 2015 · Detailed portrait of his sister Raffaela on his right arm, by Miguel Ángel Bohigues. see
June 2015 · Neymar Jr. completed his sleeve and appeared with a fully covered left arm. On his left shoulder the expression ‘Stay strong’, on the missing spots a couple of roses and some negative space stars in grey scales and a rose around his elbow. see
May 11, 2015 · A winged cross tattoo on the nape expanded the superstar’s collection, a similar tattoo to the one David Beckham has in that spot. The tattoo was done by Samuel Rico. see
March 2015 · The tiny peace sign in his right index finger was covered up and now it’s showing Neymar’s ‘second biggest love': a football. see
February 10, 2015 · He got inspired from Rihanna and got ‘Shhh…’ inked on the side of his left index finger, together with Dani Alves, inked by tattoo artist Roberto López. see
February 9, 2015 · Left inner upper arm tattoo saying ‘Family’, courtesy of tattoo artist Roberto López. see
December 22, 2014 · Peace symbol tattoo on Neymar's right index finger, courtesy of Filipe Genesi. see
December 22, 2014 · Neymar added a new pattern to his collection: a football with a crown on it, with a figure in the background of Neymar himself, courtesy of Filipe Genesi. see
December 10, 2014 · Tiger tattoo on Neymar's left forearm, courtesy of tattoo artist Miguel Bohígues. see
In 2014 he got another tattoo on his left inner forearm: the tattoo reads Ephesians 6:11 together with a knight riding a lion and holding a shield that also reads "Ephesians 6:11 ". see
August 14, 2014 · The player's left side tattoo says "Por Vontade de Deus Somos Irmãos" ("By the will of God that we are brothers") written vertically. The phrase represents the friendship he has with his sister and his friend Joclécio Amancio: "It's a phrase we all have. I have it on the left side, Joclécio has it on the right side, and my sister has it on her back." see
“Never ending love” was inked on the right side of his hip. see
Roman number 4 (IV) appears behind Ney's right ear. see
Treble clef tattoo on Neymar's left bicep. see
A fist surrounded by the phrase “Faz parte da minha história”, Portuguese for “Be part of my history”. see
Summer 2014 · Small anchor tattoo on Neymar's left hand. see
August 23, 2014 · "Love" tattoo on Neymar's left hand. see
May 27, 2014 · Right below the praying hands Neymar has a tattoo saying “Fé”, which translates to “Faith”. The tattoo was inked by tattoo artist Rodrigo Morbeck. see
May 27, 2014 · Praying hands on the left forearm, courtesy of Rodrigo Morbeck. see
May 27, 2014 · A little cross decorates his right hand, inked by Rodrigo Morbeck. see
“Life is a joke” tattoo above left elbow. see
Left inner arm tattoo that says "Believe". see
December 26, 2013 · ”Todo Passa” (literally translates to “everything passes” in English, but it’s the Portuguese equivalent to the English quote “this too shall pass”.) tattoo on the left side of the neck. By Adão Rosa. see
December 26, 2013 · Above the cross he has the word “Sorella” (Italian for sister) tattooed above a diamond. His sister, Rafaella, has a matching tattoo on her arm that says “Fratello” (brother in Italian). By Adão Rosa. see
July 30, 2013 · Left ring finger tattoo of a crown. see
July 23, 2013 · Left wrist tattoo saying “Deus é fiel”, which means "God is faithful", courtesy of Adão Rosa. see
July 23, 2013 · Right ankle tattoo saying “Ousadia”, and left ankle tattoo saying ”Alegria”. “Ousadia” translates to “boldness", and "alegria” translates to “happiness”. "Ousadia e Alegria" is the title of a song by Thiaginho, a good friend of Neymar. The tattoo was inked by Adão Rosa. see
May 29, 2013 · Upper back tattoo saying "Blessed". The very same day Bruna Marquezine, his girlfriend back then, got a Christian cross. see
January 21, 2013 · A cross with the inscription “Corinthians - 9:24-27” on his left arm was chosen as his fifth tattoo. This is a reference to a passage from the bible, which reads, ”24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” Tattoo artist: Adão Rosa. see
May 2012 · The star got inked a message on his chest dedicated to his father: “Toda arma…”, “E toda lingua…”, “Bola que é sua…” and “Que nao é sua…”. This is written on top of the word “Pai” (“father”) which is written in pink. He once told that before every match, Neymar and his dad used to remember this phrase as motivation. see
January 17, 2012 · Months later he added the date Davi Lucca was born, "24.08.11", below the tattoo of his name. He also added a small heart and an infinity symbol to each side of both Nadine and Rafaella's tattoos. see
January 17, 2012 · Neymar added a small heart and an infinity symbol, to both of his wrist tattoos, the ones dedicated to his sister “Rafaella” and his mom "Nadine", inked by Adão Rosa. see
August 30 2011 · Neymar’s son was born the 24th of august 2011, which inspired a new tattoo. He got inked his name, "Davi Lucca”, on the right forearm. see