Ink Bomb Tattoo Convention Seoul
room WAV Bistro & Lounge
directions 378 Deck, Apgujeong-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
INK BOMB is back in Seoul for another exciting year of good times and amazing body art! INK BOMB started in 2009, and has been a constant pioneer in the Korean tattoo community. INK BOMB is not only a great time because of the amazing tattooing and it’s awesome atmosphere, it also has live bands, DJS and dancers.
The Ink Bomb Tattoo Convention Seoul is a fun and unique glimpse into the world of tattoos and art for everyone! This year artists from all over the world will be showing off their skills with needles and ink. All weekend long, attendees get tattooed and experience everything that is INK BOMB!!! Get involved!