Summer Ink Fest 2
room Limburghal
directions Jaarbeurslaan 6, Genk, Arrondissement Hasselt
tattoo artists
Dear friends,
Yes its already time for the second edition of Summer Ink Fest!
We are happy to say that we can’t wait to show you our artists, shows and entertainment. Its going to be a blast!
On the program we have many new things to show you so be ready for a fully booked weekend of fun.
This year we owe you an American BBQ because last year things got f.cked up by the catering company with this. Thats why we give the first 100 burger for free this year!:-)
Just to be clear you can buy your tickets at the convention or on pre sale, the pre sale ticket will give you entrance to the convention 1 hour before the official opening hours.
Children till 10 year are free to come, no pets or other animals allowed!
We hope to see you on our convention soon!
Best regards,