4th Tattanooga Tattoo Expo (CANCELLED)
room Camp Jordan Arena
directions 323 Camp Jordan Pkwy, Chattanooga, Tennessee
have thought very hard about this for months . I have decided to cancel the Tattanooga Expo 2019 . I’ve decided to refocus the energy that it takes to put the show , back into my two studios .containing 11 artists , 2 piercers and 3 more employees. They have been neglected for the last 3 years and are over due for repairs and updating.I also feel that it takes to much time and focus away from me as an artist . Not to mention the stress that constantly crowds my mind and kills my creativity. I am an artist first and want to get back to what is most important and that is my art,businesses and family . Not to mention our aftercare product (Crave Ink Therapy) that is taking off. Also a third shop later this year . Wich In turn all of this requires even more of my time . We have had a blast and made some good friends with doing the Expo over the last 3 years . With this being said , I do plan on working more conventions so I will see you at those . Thank you everyone who has helped promote and push the show. What this boils down to is , With all the growth and ventures I have going on I just can’t squeeze another hour into the day . And I sure can’t take another minute from the small amount of time my family gets now.. Fortunately because I have not taken any funds to to reserve booths I can step away without owing anyone. Thanks