4th Due South Tattoo Expo
room Golden Nugget Biloxi Resort & Casino
directions Biloxi, Mississippi
Other editions

The fourth anuual, Due South Tattoo & Art Expo returns to the Golden Nugget Biloxi Casino & Resort March 23-25th, 2018!
Due South Tattoo & Art Expo is the first of its kind to ever hit the Gulf Coast. It brings a real sense of the Tattoo Community with a lot of Southern flair. With the third year under its belt, the possibilities for the convention to grow are exponential as ticket sales SOLD OUT within hours of the doors opening on Saturday last year.
The fourth year will be held at the Golden Nugget Biloxi Casino & Resort again on March 23rd -25th where southern hospitality will be on full display ranging from atmosphere, charm and entertainment. Due South Tattoo & Art Expo is hosted by Matt Stebly and Twisted Anchor Tattoo Gallery of Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
Apprentice Wars: hosted by Twisted Anchor’s very own, Dylan “Sasquatch” Sartin
Miss Due South: hosted by our favorite babe, Miss Maryleigh Maxwell.