Gianluca Vacchi is the son of an Italian billionaire from Bologna who made his money designing and manufacturing machines used for packing vehicles, pharmaceuticals and food production.
The heavily tattooed playboy has gathered millions of followers on Instagram by sharing snaps of his lavish lifestyle, showing him at parties, on yachts or private jets and enjoying the company of beautiful women and celebrities.
Vacchi is a true tattoo passionate, aware of the great symbolic value that the tradition of tattoo art has in itself since ancient times. Even some of his tattoos are made by himself!
Learn more about this inked up businessman and take a moment to learn about the meaning of some of his tattoos and appreciate how incredible Vacchi looks for his age.
GV is his logo and he has it tattooed on the chest, near the heart. Source
When he was asked “why do you have so many tattoos?” in an Italian TV program, he said“we live in the age of compromise, and there's a moment in life where you have to decide if you want to be dirty inside or outside.... I decided to be dirty outside.”
Born the 5th of August of 1967, the lion is his Zodiac sign. Source
This is the white ink moon that Gianluca has under the right oblique muscle. Source
Many of the King of Social's tattoos have a very deep meaning; Gianluca writes on him his memories, passions and feelings.
End of a short letter written by my mother, positioned over Gianluca Vacchi's heart: “Comunque ti muovi mi riempì di ammirazione e di orgoglio. Mi domando cosa ho fatto per meritare un figlio come te. Con tutto il bene del mondo, Mamma,” Italian for “Anything you do you fill me of admiration and pride. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve a son like you. With all the love in the world, Mom.” Source
Gianluca's father's profile tattoo: "I love madness, and he was the father that everyone would want to have. I have had a conflicting relationship with him because of the strength of our respective characters... it was severe, gruff and sweet at the same time. Every day, with joy, I turn to him and every one of my achievements has been and is devoted to him. I drew it by hand and carried it with honor and pride on my left side ribcage. Hello dad, you're always with me. Your Gianluca." he wrote in Instagram. Source
He has three rounded symbols on the sternum: “Tattoos are symbols that must represent our soul, our history and our path. This tattoo has been studied by my dear friend Federico, a profound, sensitive, a connoisseur of cabalistic symbology who has guided me in the glamorous world of numeric meaning.” Source
Some argue that Vacchi’s secret for maintaining his youthful appearance is his ability to keep up with the trends.
L'Eremita, the name of his house in Bologna, located on his left arm. Source
On his left hand, he has the quote “prendi in mano la tua vita” (Italian for "pick up your life"), the word “Resilienza” (Italian for "resilience"), the numbers 5, 8, 6 and 7, and a sun; on each of the fingers of the that same hand we find a letter that completes the word "enjoy". Source